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Pubilc Time:2020-08-28






A.浙江省博物馆  B.中国茶叶博物馆  C. 杭州博物馆  D. 南宋官博物馆 E.其他





    A.很满意   B.满意   C.不满意    D.很不满意





A.旅游   B.教育子女   C.增长知识   D.文物鉴赏   E.学习研究   F.其他




A.巧手作坊   B.猜茶迷  C.冲泡各类茶的方法  D.其他





A.境内  B. 境外


从上图表中,我们可以得出境内游客人数较多,占了62%的比重。剩余为境外游客所占比重为38%。同比较2017年6月—2018年7月增长13%,2018年6月—2019年7月增长19%, 2019年7月—2019年11月平稳持续增长;2019年11月—2020年7月由于疫情原因无增长。


A.1小时以内    B.1~2小时   C.2~3小时     D.3~4小时  E. 4小时以上





A.听讲解参观    B.自行参观     C.参与活动   D.  其他




A.茶文化讲座   B.茶文化动手制作类活动    C.茶文化亲子活动   D.茶艺培训E.茶文化节日活动F.茶文化中英文讲解





A.近期即将举办的科普活动信息     B.博物馆常年提供的免费活动信息




  1. Your gender?

    1. Male

    2. Female



  1. What is your age?

    1. Under 18

    2. 18-25

    3. 26-30

    4. 31-40

    5. 41-50

    6. 51-60

    7. 60 over


  1. Which country do you come from?



  1. What is your average monthly expenditure on cultural consumption as a percentage of total household expenditure?

    1. 0-5%

    2. 5-10%

    3. 10-20%

    4. 20-30%

    5. Above 30%



  1. Your current highest degree

    1. Junior high school

    2. High school

    3. Undergraduate

    4. Master’s degree

    5. Doctor

    6. Others_________



  1. How did you hear about our museum or events?

    1. Internet

    2. From a friend

    3. Travel leaflet

    4. Travel guide book

    5. Museum brochure or leaflet

    6. From The cooperation between China National Tea Museum and the other companies

    7. Others______



  1. Why do you come to the museum?

    1. seeking knowledge of tea

    2. looking for tea products and derivatives

    3. Museum tea events(Learn short-term experience activities such as tea picking, tea making, etc.)

    4. Others_______



  1. What do you prefer to do in the museum?

    1. Watching the exhibition, or listening to the tour guide

    2. Rent a visitor guide wand to understand the contents of the exhibits

    3. Learn about the collection culture through professional courses offered by the museum

    4. Buying cultural and creative derivatives in the museum gift shop



  1. Which is your favorite culture derivatives in our Museum?

    1. Tea

    2. Tea set

    3. The books about Tea

    4. Other supplies about Tea

    5. Tea culture derivatives , such as tea mask, tea soap bar



  1. Are you willing to experience the tea cultural activities organized by the museum?(Including tea picking ,tea tasting ,tea appreciation ,tea performances, etc.)

    1. Yes, Of course

    2. Unwilling

    3. Unclear



  1. [Multiple choice question, within select three items] What is most important to you when you visit a tea museum?

    1. Exhibits

    2. Activities and interactions, deeper understanding of the collection culture through activities such as tea and tea picking

    3. Products or derivatives offered by the museum store

    4. Professional courses, professional guidance which guarantee the effectiveness of learning knowledge

    5. Rest facilities, the environment and equipment in the hall

    6. Others_______



  1. [Multiple choice question, within select three items] Which factors do you think are important in the experience events?

    1. The creativity and fun of the experience events

    2. The educational and cultural connotation of the experience events

    3. Duration of activity

    4. Activity cost

    5. The distance from the place of experience to the place of residence

    6. Others_______



  1. What do you think are the benefits of the experience events?

    1. They are educational,  more knowledge through experience activities

    2. They are recreational and relaxing

    3. They are commemorating, offering cherished experience of the museum 

    4. Others___


  1. Do you have any other suggestions and comments for our museum?
